- 2012-05-01视频 1.12 Clothing
- 2012-04-30视频 1.11 Ser 和 Estar
- 2012-04-30视频 1.10 The Family and Ages
- 2012-04-30视频 1.9 The House and Directions
- 2012-04-30视频 1.8 Numbers and Time
- 2012-04-30视频 1.7 Places, Past Times
- 2012-04-30视频 1.6 Likes, Dislikes, and Days
- 2012-04-30视频 1.5 Languages, Countries
- 2012-04-30视频 1.4 Food and Conjugations
- 2012-04-30视频 1.3 Food and Articles