日期:2016-09-13 17:42  点击:1403
A: Vaya peste, ¿de dónde vienes?
What’s that smell! wher are you coming from?
什么恶臭味! 你从哪里来呀?
B: De la batalla del vino.
From the wine battle.
A: Mira tu ropa, ¡está rosa!
Look at your clothes, they’re pink!
B: Claro, en éso consiste la fiesta.
Of course, that’s what the party is about.
A: ¿En qué?¿En tirarse vino unos a otros?
about what? Splashing wine on each other?
B: Jajaja, y en beberlo si puedes.
Ha ha, and drinking it if you can.
哈哈... 如果你可以的话,也可以喝掉它。
la batalla --- Noun (f ) --- battle 战争
el vino --- Noun (m) --- wine 葡萄酒
la peste --- Noun (f ) --- stink 臭味
tirar --- Verb --- to throw 扔
beber --- Verb --- to drink 喝
venir --- Verb --- to come 来
vaya --- Interjection --- what a  感叹词
el olor --- Noun (m) --- smell 气味
mancharse --- Verb --- to get dirty 弄脏
la costumbre --- Noun (m) --- custom 习惯,风俗
la mancha --- Noun (f ) --- stain 污渍
la diversión --- Noun (f ) --- fun 愉快
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