日期:2022-06-08 21:05  点击:381
 Since you are probably talking about it often in your conversation classes, here is a list of terms related to COVID-19 in Spanish:
Virus - Virus
Proteína - Protein
Ácido ribonucleico (ARN) - Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
Prueba/Test - Test
Antígenos - Antigens
Anticuerpos - Antibodies
Células T - T cells
Respuesta inmune - Inmune response
Inmunidad - Immunity
Positivo - Positive
Negativo - Negative
Promedio móvil - Rolling average
Número reproductivo básico (R0) - Basic Reproduction Number (R0)
Confinamiento - Lockdown
Cuarentena - Quarantine
Síntomas - Symptoms
Asintomático/a - Asymptomatic
Tos - Cough
Fiebre - Fever
Mascarilla - Mask
Vacuna - Vaccine
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