日期:2024-08-20 10:48  点击:258
[1]si sarebbero mangiata, would have devoured.
[2]non sapeva darsi pace, could not console himself.
[3]per essergli toccata, for having received.
[4]faceva egli a dire, he went on to say.
[5]faceva finta... inteso, pretended not to notice them.
[6]non siete stato, you have not been.
[7]pigliasse, subjunctive used after Sebbene.
[8]col fare il morto, by playing dead.
[9]Eccoti. Pronouns are joined to the interjection ecco, just as to a verb; ti intimates the interest of the hearer in what is going on.
[10]dal Re (French chez le roi), to the king's palace. Da has a variety of meanings in the following selecions, such as from, by, for, to or at the house of, suited to, as.
[11]entrato che fu, as soon as he had entered.
[12]gran, for grande.
[13]Di' al tuo, Say to your. The forms of the second person singular are used in addressing inferiors; also in speaking to children, intimate friends, and near relatives.
[14]della caccia del suo padrone, of his master's killing.
[15]doveva recarsi, was to go.[Page 104]
[16]avrebbe potuto, perfect of the conditional used wher the simple tense would be expected.
[17]con quanta... gola, with all his might.
[18]corressero, subjunctive used after verb of commanding.
[19]faceva spiccare... persona, set off his good looks.
[20]fini fini, repetition for emphasis; occurs frequently in Italian in case of adjectives or adverbs.
[21]fosse, subjunctive used in indirect question; in l. 2 of next page, used after a superlative.
[22]sarebbe parso, it would have seemed; parere conjugated with essere.
[23]per dirne una, for example.
[24]dal vedersi... leone, at seeing a lion before his eyes.
[25]Di lì a poco, After a little.
[26]come sarebbe a dire, in other words.
[27]Vostra maestà sia la benvenuta, Welcome to your majesty.
[28]di, than.
[29]dovevano; compare note 15.
[30]da non potersi dire, beyond words. 
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