日期:2024-08-20 10:51  点击:276
[1]del suo, as her own.
[2]Culincenere and Cenerentola are both from cenere, ashes; the former with a depreciative prefix.
[3]che tornassero... viso, which might the best become them.
[4]ci sarebbe proprio da ridere, it would be a fit subject for laughter.
[5]tutt'intera la santa giornata, the whole blessed day.
[6]più lontano che potè, as far as she could.
[7]che cosa avesse, what was the matter with her.
[8]Vorrei, I should like.
[9]non sapendo... miglia, not having the faintest idea.
[10]che, introduces the question.[Page 105]
[11]che non entrava... contentezza, beside herself with joy.
[12]per quanto vecchio, old as he was.
[13]per farla ballare, that is, as his partner in the dance.
[14]nè punto nè poco, at all.
[15]In quella che, While.
[16]non capiva... gioja; compare note 11.
[17]Dev'esser, She must be.
[18]Dio mio! Dear me!—altre in the next clause simply adds emphasis.
[19]di lì a pochi giorni; compare I., note 25.
[20]non, expletive, not to be translated. 
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